Policy Priorities

Together, Alliance members are advancing a series of bold, high-impact actions across 10 key policy areas.

Together, Alliance members are advancing a series of bold, high-impact actions across 10 key policy areas.

These state-led climate solutions — centered around equity, environmental justice, and a just economic transition — are being deployed at scale in each policy area to safeguard public health, grow the economy, and secure America’s net-zero future.

The 10 Alliance policy priorities include GHG targets and governance; electricity generation; just transition and equity; transportation; buildings; industry; climate finance; resilience; natural and working lands; and pricing carbon and valuing damages.

These state-led climate solutions — centered around equity, environmental justice, and a just economic transition are being deployed at scale in each policy area to safeguard public health, grow the economy, and secure America’s net-zero future.


The 10 Alliance policy priorities include GHG targets and governance; electricity; just transition and equity; transportation; buildings; industry; climate finance; resilience; natural and working lands; and pricing carbon and valuing damages.

U.S. Climate Alliance Policy Priorities | Collage of images | Worker with solar panels | Bike lane in Los Angeles, CA | Lake and nature | People engaging in sustainable farming

Click on the table below to learn more about how Alliance members are advancing action in each policy area. Tallies reflect the number of members that have adopted or are in the process of adopting statutory and executive policies and actions.

# of Members with Policies

Want To Learn More?

For the most up-to-date, in-depth breakdown of climate 

actions across each policy priority, 

explore the U.S. Climate Alliance Policy Database.