COP29 – No Turning Back

U.S. Climate Alliance Governors Confronting the Climate Crisis & Building a Brighter Future
Founding member of the U.S. Climate Alliance and America Is All In Co-Chair Washington Governor Jay Inslee joined a conversation with White House National Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi about the durability, continuity, and strength of state-led climate action and the path they’re charting to our net-zero future.
November 14, 2024
1:00 pm
- 2:00 pm
Baku, Azerbaijan | America Is All In Action Center, Blue Zone | Livestream

The unprecedented surge of investment, collaboration, and action from the Alliance’s 24 member states and territories is eliminating harmful climate pollution, growing the economy, and transforming communities across America.


At COP29, founding member of the U.S. Climate Alliance and America Is All In Co-Chair Washington Governor Jay Inslee joined a conversation with White House National Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi about the durability, continuity, and strength of state-led climate action and the path they’re charting to our net-zero future.    

“…we in the states, in the U.S. Climate Alliance and those who belong to the All In conference, we believe a certain premise, which is number one, we are masters of our own destiny, our own destiny is in our hands, and number two, we have the tools in the toolbox to make sure we effectuate a clean energy revolution,” said Governor Inslee. “And we are doing that with such tremendous success today.” 


  • Washington Governor Jay Inslee
  • White House National Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi


Learn More About the Alliance @ COP29. 

2024 Buildings Climate Finance COP29 Electricity Event GHG Targets & Governance Industry Just Transition & Equity Natural & Working Lands Pricing Carbon & Valuing Damages Resilience Transportation