To assist states and localities in accelerating solar adoption, the U.S. Climate Alliance partnered with the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) to elevate crucial strategies and tools for state and local governments.


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2018 Electricity Guide

Solar Deployment Guidebook

To assist states and localities in accelerating solar adoption, the U.S. Climate Alliance partnered with the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) to elevate crucial strategies and tools for state and local governments.

To assist states and localities in accelerating solar adoption, the U.S. Climate Alliance partnered with the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) to elevate crucial strategies and tools for state and local governments to reduce the non-hardware costs of solar development. 


This Guidebook was written for state and local governments to identify gaps and opportunities for innovation in local solar market design; provide sample local policy and program frameworks, applications and language; include local solar policy decision making considerations and planning scenarios; and point states and localities to additional state, federal and private resources.