U.S. Climate Alliance 2018 Annual Report | Fighting for Our Future: Alliance states and territories are doubling down on our commitment to meeting our share of the U.S. emissions reduction target.

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2018 Annual Report | Fighting for Our Future

Growing Our Economies and Protecting Our Communities Through Climate Leadership
Alliance states and territories are doubling down on our commitment to meeting our share of the U.S. emissions reduction target.

The bipartisan U.S. Climate Alliance formed in response to the President’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. Over the course of its first year, we have grown to 17 states and territories, representing a wide diversity of people, places and economic activity. We are home to 40 percent of the U.S. population and account for nearly $9 trillion in combined economic activity — enough to be the world’s third largest country. 


In our second U.S. Climate Alliance Annual Report, we take stock of the progress we are making towards achieving that objective and discuss future actions that will help us grow our clean energy economies and continue to reduce our GHG emissions consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement.